T2/MIPS and Imagination Tech.
René Rebe
2014-10-21 12:53:47 UTC
Hi all,

hardware donations are always welcome, and thus I do like to publicly thank Imagination for sending a “high performance” dual-core MIPS32 board with PowerVR SGX540 GPU to me.

Some decade ago I did initial MIPS work on Sgi hardware, like the Octane:


Of course this board is (hopefully) faster, consumes way less energy, and is also lighter (the Octane has a steel body, and weights some good 20kg - it was a pain to carry during our recent office move - beside it’s internal compression connectors are prone to dust, sigh).

So thanks again to Imagination, I will for sure have some fun with the board, T2/MIPS patches assured.


Greetings from Berlin,

ExactCODE GmbH, Lietzenburger Str. 42, DE-10117 Berlin
http://exactcode.com | http://exactscan.com | http://ocrkit.com | http://t2-project.org | http://rene.rebe.de